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Our passion is creating games and vr content. Lite is your source for relaxing favourites. The nationality of the registered staff ranges from japan, america, france and so on.
Skeleton crew studio is a video game studio based in the heart of kyoto, japan.
Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Who we are t eam. これをモットーに日々学び続け、生産性を極限まで追い求めるマーケティング集団です。 ジャンルは問わず、 時代の波を作るには、まだまだスキルが足りないので、背のびせず、精進いたします。 you can read employee. After the harran virus had taken over the world, humanity found refuge in the last few settlements still standing.