. Therefore, the founder,morio ugajin, decided to provide hospitals with cheaper and better products to help even one person suffering from a disease. Oxygen regulator friendly flow oxygen regulator type pss medical gas regulator type sa. When the company was founded in the 1950s, medical equipment was still expensive and not widely used. 設計・製作 ・第一種、第二種圧力容器 ・航空宇宙産業向け検査・試験治具 ・各種 工業窯炉 ・ボイラー付属機器 ・搬送機器並びに省力化機器 ・工業炉 ケーシング 加工 ・レーザー加工一式 (ターンテーブルを使用する事によりパイプの展開加工が可能です。

設計・製作 ・第一種、第二種圧力容器 ・航空宇宙産業向け検査・試験治具 ・各種 工業窯炉 ・ボイラー付属機器 ・搬送機器並びに省力化機器 ・工業炉 ケーシング 加工 ・レーザー加工一式 (ターンテーブルを使用する事によりパイプの展開加工が可能です。 When the company was founded in the 1950s, medical equipment was still expensive and not widely used. Oxygen regulator friendly flow oxygen regulator type pss medical gas regulator type sa.
Oxygen regulator friendly flow oxygen regulator type pss medical gas regulator type sa.
When the company was founded in the 1950s, medical equipment was still expensive and not widely used. Oxygen regulator friendly flow oxygen regulator type pss medical gas regulator type sa. Flowmeter and suction of fluids. When the company was founded in the 1950s, medical equipment was still expensive and not widely used.