. 電話なさる is a phrase 尊敬語 used, however i don't know if it is the answer of her question because i don't know what was she want to say in standard japanese (without 敬語). @kwstmm the phrase お電話する isn't used. 尊敬語と謙譲語は 動作を誰がするのか が大きな違いで、尊敬語の場合は 自分以外の相手 。 謙譲語の場合は 自分が動作を行っていて 、見るという言葉だけでも、敬語だと ご覧になる 、謙譲語だと 拝見する になるので、その言い回しがスムーズに出て. It's just putted the polite prefix お.

電話なさる is a phrase 尊敬語 used, however i don't know if it is the answer of her question because i don't know what was she want to say in standard japanese (without 敬語). @kwstmm the phrase お電話する isn't used. It's just putted the polite prefix お.
It's just putted the polite prefix お.
@kwstmm the phrase お電話する isn't used any 尊敬語. 尊敬語とは、目上の人または立てるべき人が電話をする動作を表現するもの。 先行回答の下記の言い方は間違い。 >お電話を差し上げます お電話を致します これは自分が電話をすること。「謙譲語」の表現。 It's just putted the polite prefix お. 電話なさる is a phrase 尊敬語 used, however i don't know if it is the answer of her question because i don't know what was she want to say in standard japanese (without 敬語).